Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

When you cancel a lesson

Exceptions will be made with respect to Holiday breaks, Christmas, Easter or any other holiday and special event of yours as long as your teacher has been notified.

When Your Teacher Cancels
If the teacher needs to cancel the lesson with less than 24 hours notice, we can assign a cover teacher. In case there is no cover teacher available, we will offer you a make-up lesson plus a gift lesson on your account. For example, if you have prepaid for 20 hours and your teacher has cancelled 1 hour, then the total hours on your account will be 21 instead of 20.

If your teacher needs to cancel a lesson and you are notified at least 24 hours before the lesson starts your will be offered a make-up lesson.

Make Up Lessons

This Agreement represents the agreement between you and The Greek Academy. If you have any questions about The Greek Academy policy please contact us.

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